was granted us by the German, the French, the Italian, and other lines, which of course materially aided. Any favors in the matter of transportation which could be secured through your authorities would be greatly appreciated. The shipment is somewhat heavy and might be expensive. If we could be relieved of transportation charges through the courtesy of shipping lines or railway lines, it would enable us perhaps to apply form our appropriation for this purpose more to the construction of the base, which ought to be maide of beautiful wood, as was done in London and elsewhere. I beg to inform you that I would be pleased, if you think it is necessary to do so, to call upon you personally in Washington to discuss these matters, but perhaps it would be best for you to place me in communication with the gentlemen in charge of the situation where the replica is to be finally installed. All coorespondence in references to this matter should be hereafter addressed to me, as I was in charge of all the work during Mr. Carnegie's lifetime, and am still in charge of the same. The matter does not come under the purview of any other person than myself. I have the honor to be, with the assurance of highest esteem and regards. Yours very respectfully, Manuel C. Tellez Ambassador of Mexico