Senor Don Manuel C. Tellez, Mexican Ambassador Washington, D.C. Your Excellency: On February 23rd I addressed a letter to you informing you that I have obtained a grant of funds, which are necessary to make and to install in the city of Mexico, as a gift to the Republic of Mexico, of a restoration of the huge skeleton of Diplodocus, such as during his lifetime Mr. Carnegie presented to various countries in Europe, as well as to the Republic of Argentine. The work of making the restoration has been taken up and the forces of men needed to excute it has been employed and we are going to forward with the undertaking as rapidly as possible. In my letter to you I asked you to place me in communication with the proper authorities who are in charge of the Museum, or the gallery where the replica is intended to be mounted and permanently displayed, with a view to ascertaining by correspondence just what the space is which will be at our disposal and in order that we may be governed in our work by the requirements of the space. Thus far I have not received from you any acknowledgment of my letter, and I fear that it may have failed to reach you. Will you kindly inform me whether the letter was received, and whether your delay in replying is due to the fact that your are in correspondence with the authorities of the institution in Mexico, where the specimen is inteded to permanently displayed.