It occurs to me that perhaps your delay is due to the mecessity for securing the information for which I asked. You will realize, my dear Ambassador, my desire, now that I have secured an appropriation of the necessary funds, to proceed as rapidly as possible to comply with the wishes expressed to me from various sources that this gift should be made. Other countries have asked for like gift, but we have elected to give Mexico the preference over all other countries, which have been applying to us, and I trust that I may soon be put in possession of the name of the head of the National Museum, of whoever may be the person, who is in charge of the instituion in which the replica is intended to be displayed, so that I may directly correspond wiht him as to matters of detail with which I would not wish to burden you. With assurance of my most abiding esteem and regards, I am, Yours very faithfully, Director Emeritus, Carnegie Museum Curator of Paleontology.