My dear friend Morow: What follows in this letter is a personal note to you and is not to be necessarily considered in any sense otherwise. I am presuming upon an acquaintance of many years to ask your kind and persuasive influence in a matte which is, I think, of interest. I am, therefore, first of all quite confidentially enclosing to you a copy of a letter which I have written to Senor Herrera, head of the National Museum in Mexico, which will throw a light upon the little affair. Something mroe than a year ago Senor Tellez, the representative of the Mexican Republic, approached our mutal friend, Dr. John C. Merriam, with whom he is on very friendly terms, and insisted that the republic of Mexico ought to receive, as the Republic of Argentina had already received, a replica of the extinct monster, the skeleton of which stand in this Museum, and he also wrote to me requesting a replica be given to Mexico. I replied to him that I would give the matter my best attention. When Mr. Carnegie was living he delighted to give these things, but since his death nothing has been doen at all recently. I took up the matter with Mrs. Carnegie, who is rather timorous about having her name mentioned in this connection, and with my collegues in the Carnegie Corporation. We annually place at Mrs. Carnegie's dispositon a fund to be used for such purposes as