Bronze Memorial Tablets Pittsburgh, Pa. May 22, 1930 Dr. W.J. Holland, Carnegie Institute, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Dear Dr. Holland: Under separate cover we are forwarding to you the formal acknowledgment confirming the details of the two tablets which we have the privilege of making for you. These will be of overall size 30" by 20", will have an attractively modeled laurel leaf border and will bear the lettering in accordance with the drawings which you approved. For the two tablets described, hinged together at the top we are pleased to confirm the quoted price of: Two Hundred Eighty Dollars ......$280.00 This price is f.o.b. Pittsburgh, net 30 days. It is our understanding that we are able to complete the tablets and upon their completion you will inspect the work and if satisfactory, will give us your instructions for shipment. We are happy to have this opportunity to make the tablets for you and we feel confident that the completed work will more then fulfill your expectations in every respect. Very truly yours, JAS. H. MATTHEWS & CO. N. N. Williams