Restoration Fund, W.J. Holland Treasurer. Estimate of Cost of Completing Three Casts of Diplodocus and Shipping and Setting Up One Cast in Mexico. Labor: 1 worker in plaster at $190. per mo 4 mos ...760.00 1 do. $150. " ..........................600.00 1 do. in metal $190. "..........................760.00 1 assistant, packing etc 1 mo............................100.00 2,220.00 Materials: 50 yds burlap at .10..................$ 5.00 100 lbs. glue at .40......................49.00 lard oil, 2 gal. at 1.55.................. 3.10 drop black, 100 lbs. at .07........ 7.00 burnt umber 100 lbs. at .10....... 10.00 1 ton best plaster paris............. 50.00 Cord, twine, etc............................ 10.00 120.10 120.10 Iron and other metal work (materials) 210.00 210.00 Packing: 40 strong boxes, lumber & making 350.00 350.00 1000 lbs. wood wool at .30 30.00 30.00 Base: Cost of making in City of Mexico this estimate is roughly made, and is based upon past experience............................................1,000.00 Freight to Mexico Ciy (Estimate, may be more or less..................................... 350.00 Railroad fare of workman to Mexico and return......... 400.00 Wages of workmen sent & to be employed in Mexico................................................................................ 500.00 Living expenses of skilled man sent from Pgh. at $5.00 per day for two mos................................................ 300.00 _______ 5,480.10 Contingences 10 per cent.................................................. 548.00 ________ 5,028.10 Less: Cash on hand in Restoration Fund, W.J. Holland Treasurer 1,970.00 ( Being a balance with accumlated interest since 1913) $4, 058.10 An appropriated of $4000.00 with amout in hands of Dr. W. J. Holland, would allow him to finish the plaster work involved in the construction of the three replicas he has on hand and install one of them in Mexico City, without taking into account his expenses in going to and from Mexico, which probably would be necessary, but which as in the past he would be pleased to personally defray from his own pocket. At suggestion of Mrs. Carnegie and R.A. Franke $5000 allocated Feb. 21, 1928.