The Pennsylvania Railroad Traffic Department Free Transportation of Replica of Diplodocus, Presented by Carnegie Museum to the National Museum in Mexico Dr. W.J. Holland, PH. D. L.L. D., Director Emeritus, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. My dear Doctor:- In confirmation of our conversation of this morning, we, as you know have the pleasure of offering for account of the Pennsylvania Railroad, free transportation from Pittsburgh, Pa. to Cincinnati, Ohio of the replica of the diplodocus, which is to be presented by the Carnegie Museum to the National Museum in Mexico. When you have consluded the free transportation arrangements with other lines, who are to participate in this haul, as this morning discussed, will you please so advise me, either by letter addressed to me at 907 Clark Building, Pittsburgh, Pa., or by telephone (Atlantic 7535). When this advice is received, it will be my pleasure to call upon you with the hope that I may be able to relieve you of all further details incident to the completion of the transaction, for it is my privilege to be charged by our people with the responsibliity of seeing that all arrangements are set up for this movement.