September 18, 1929 Mr. A.D. McDonals, Southern Pacific Company, 165 Broadway, New York, N.Y. My dear Sir: Referring to your number 089-CM of September 12th, in reply to my letter of the 10th inst., I desire to thank you for your prompt response and for the information that you have referred my letter to your Executive Vice-President at Houston, Texas. I am happy to report that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company through its President has granted us free transportation from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, expressing great pleasure at having an opportunity to take part in this little effort to show goodwill to our Mexican neighbors, and that I have also received a letter form Mr. M.T. Cogley, of the Texas Mexican Railway saying that they also will grant free transportation. Ihave not as yet heard from Mr. H.M. Lull nor have I received a reply as yet from Southern Railway Company, but I presume that the good railway men of the country will help us in this matter, as they have done in former times under similar circumstances. With assurances of the highest esteem and regard, I am, Very coridally yours, Director Emeritus in charge of Paleontology.