September 18, 1929 Mr. H. M. Lull, Executive Vice-President, Southern Pacific Company, Houston, Texas. My dear Sir: I am in receipt of a kind note form Mr. A.D. McDonald of New York, who informs me that he has referred my letter of the 10th inst. in re free transportation of a replica of the Diplodocus from New Orleans to Alice, Texas. I may inform you that the President of the Pennsylvania Railroad has kindly given orders for the free transportation of this gift, which we are making to the Mexican people, from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, and that Mr. Cogley of the Texas Mexican Railway has also informed me that they are happy to grant the same concession. I am anxious, as soon as possible, to know under what conditions I may bill the car to its destintation in Mexico. As I stated in my letter to Mr. McDonald free transportation from Laredo to destination has already been promised by the Mexican Railway authorities. I do not wish to seem impatient, but as we are compelled to route our car over your line in order to get to its destination I trust that you may see your way clear to accord us the same favor that has been granted by the Pennsylvania and other lines, to which I refer. I would especially appreciate the favor of an early reply. As you understand it will be necessary for us in making shipment to know whether the favor we have asked has been granted us. Yours very sincerely, Director Emeritus in charged of Paleontology