Dr. A. L. Herrera, Director, Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento, Casa del Lago, Chapultepec, Mexico, D.F. My dear Doctor Herrera: Your last letter accompanied in the mails by a publication containing your open letter, has been very disconcerting to me. I am left in great uncertainty as to the present status of affairs in relation to the Diplodocus. I know that the bases have been finished, but I am not informed as to the arrival of the thirty-six boxes in Mexico. I presume, however, that they have come to hand. They ought not to be unpacked until a representative of this institution arrives, and no attempt ought to be made to set up the specimen until such a representative arrives, who is familiar with the method of procedure. You have not informed me as to whom future correspondence should be addressed by me. I presume it is the President of the University. I gather from what I see that the control of the National Museum has been relegated to the University. Will you kindly give me the name of the person whom I should address in this connection now that you have sundered your relationship with the Museum. You understand that under the circumstances I am wholly at sea and do not know exactly just how to proceed. A few lines from you giving me the information which I desire will be greatly appreciated It is with great regret, I repeat, that I find that