November 8, 1929 Dr. A.L. Herrera, Director, Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento, Casa del Lago, Chapultepec, Mexico D.F. My dear Doctor Herrera: Your kind lines of October 26th ar before me. On the 5th inst. I received a telephone message form Mr. H. H. Gray, the Supeintendent of Traffic of the Pennaylvania Railroad here, informing me that he had been advised by telegraph that the Southern Pacific car #18,199 had reached Laredo, Texas, and had been forwarded without breaking bulk across the frontier to Nuevo Laredo, and that it had gone forward to its destination on the 4th inst., that is, last Monday. I have no doubt but that at this time the car is well on its way to Mexico and by the time you receive these lines it will have arrived. Please keep an account of what expense you may be under in transferring the thirty-six boxes from the car to you Museum. I note with satisfaction your statement that the bases or pedestals have been completed so far as that is possible before the installation of the specimen. My former assistant, Mr. A. S. Coggeshall, who helped me to install eight other replicas in different parts of the world is at present the Director of the St. Paul Institute and his services are not available. His brother, however, is the man who made the present replica, which is destined to be set up in your Museum, and mounted it in a preliminary way here in the Museum to see that