everything was in good order. He is perfectly competent to erect the replica in good style and I am thinking of sending him to Mexico, or going myself and bringing him along with me for the purpose of installing the specimen. Unfortunately Mr. Coggeshall, who is simply a plain hardworking mechanic with a knowledge of paleontological necessities, does not, I think, speak a word of Spanish. Can you inform me whether any fo the attaches of your Museum speak English so that he might find in them a medium of communication in case I myself may be unable to come. Now that everything is ready I wish to take steps as promptly as possible to complete the gift that has been so long in the preparing and have it properly installed. I must, however, say that in view of the huge responsibilities which rest upon me in many direction and tasks, which I have set myself of a scientific nature, that it is going to be a little difficult for me myself personally to get away, as I would love to do in order to see that everything is done comme il faut. Again renewing my assurances of abiding esteem and regard, I am, Faithfully yours