Dr. A. L. Herrera, Director Secretaria de Argicultura y Fometo, Casa del Lago, Chapultepec, Mexico, D.F., Mexico My dear Doctor Herrera: On return to Pittsburgh after a long summer vacation I have found your valued communications of August 3d, September 4th, and September 7th, the receipt of which I wish to acknowledge. I gather form your communications that the fact that you duly received my remittance of 2160 Pesos to provide for the construction of the pedestals upon which the Diplodocus is to be mounted, and that the work of construction is well under way. The photographs of the bases, as they are being built, which you have so kindly said you intend to send me, have not as yet been received. I also gather from your letter that the Mexican authorities have given instructions to pass the car containing the thirty-six boxes without duty and free of freight charges from Laredo to it destination in Mexico. The boxes are reday for shipment, and I am endeavoring to conclude arrangements witht he heads of the various railway lines in the United States, over which the car must pass to Laredo, for free shipment.