July 15, 1929 Senor Professor A. L. Herrera, Director de Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Mexico My dear Doctor Herrera: As usual I owe you an apology for my failure to reply to your letter of May 13th. I have been away much of the time from Pittsburgh and a great many things have so occupied my time that I have always deferred writing to you until a more convenient season. I am herewith enclosing a draft on Mexico for Two Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Pesos, payable as you requested me to make it, in the name of Senor Ing. D. Alfonso Gonzalez Gallardo, Official Mayor de la Sria de Agricultura y Fomento. I beg you to transmit this check to him and you may proceed with the construction of the bases according to the plans and specifications which you have selected. Now as to the shipment of the replica. In my original correspondence with you I suggested tentatively the shipment of the specimen by water to New Orleans and its transshipment to Vera Cruz. You undertook to negotiate for its free transport form Vera Cruz to Mexico and succeeded in your negotiations witht he railway. Since then I have discovered that to ship as I originally suggested is not the best thing to do because of the risks involved I find that I can charter a car here in Pittsburgh and send it through from Pittsburgh to Mexico without breaking bulk or making any change en route. The car will go direct from Pittsburgh to