May 7, 1929 Dr. A. L. Herrera, Director, Sireccion de Estudios Biologicos, 7a Baleras Fumb. 94, Mexico, D.F. My dear Doctor Herrera: My conscience has been troubling me for some time because of the unavoidable delays which have occured in the matter of getting the restoration of the Diplodocus into your hands. The replica has been made, that is the first and most important matter, the work is done, and the specimen is packed in the thirty-six boxes, concerning which I wrote to you. The next matter which shold be taken up is the matter of the bases. In reading over our correspondence, I am unable to reach a conclusion. The bid made by the firm of Manuel Jose Elguero, a copy of which you sent to me under date of the 22d of December, is before me. According to this makes two bids, one for 1790 Pesos. This is for mounting the specimen as it is disposed in Vienna. The other is for 2,160 Pesos; this is for mounting the specimen as it is mounted at Bologna. You have not yet definitely informed me which of these forms of mounting the specimen you prefer, and I would like to know. I would like it definetly decided by you whether you prefer the mounting in which there is less length, but more breadth, that is the form of mounting which was used in Vienna, or the other form of mounting, in which the tail is extended at full length, the form employed at Bologna. I would be glas to have you decide this question, and I am prepared at the completion of the task of mounting the specimen, of course