Dr. A. L. Herrera, Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento & a Balderas num. 94, Mexico, D.F. My dear Doctor Herrera: I judge from a note received form our mutual friend, Dr. Howard, that your are somewhat distressed about your failure to receive news as to the shipment of the Diplodocus. I assure you most heartily that you have no cause for anxiety. My tardiness in replying to some of your letters is due to the fact that I have been absent from Pittsburgh for a long while; secondly, that I have not been well since my return and illness has prevented me form doing the many things I would like to do. The Diplodocus is packed in its boxes ready to go forward, but I have not yet succeeded in making arrangement for its shipment on favorable terms, and it is, therefore, impossible for me to answer your query as to the name of the steamer and lines by which the thing will go forward. As soon as my arrangements are made I will let you know. Meanwhile I shall have to take up with you and decide the question as to bases and cost of making same. My delay furthermore is partly to do the fact the my Chief Preparator, who in former years has installed the Diplocodus in other museums, has left us and has accepted the Directorship of the new museum at St. Paul, Minnesota, I shall ahve to substitute some one for him, who has perhaps had less experience, or I may have myself to come to Mexico to install the specimen. Meanwhile have patience and trust your faithful friend, who is working as hard as he can with constant interruptions and