October 25, 1928 Dr. A. L. Herrera, Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento, Direccion de Estudios Bilogicos, 7a Balderas num. 94, Mexico, D.F. My dear Doctor Herrera: I desire most cordially to express to you and to your collegues sincere and grateful appreciation of the honor that you have conferred upon me by naming me a member and benefactor of the La Sociedad de Estudios Biologicos. I have received the diploma, which you have sent me, and add it with great pide to the collection of similar documents which have come to me from all parts of the world. Please accept yourself and assure your collegues that I am highly flattered and greatly pleased by this expression of your goodwill. I has given me great pleasure to forward to Mrs. Andrew Carnegie at her address, No.2, East 91st Street, New York City, the letter and the diploma intended for her, which you sent to her in my care. It it too soon for me as yet to have received a reply from her, but I dare say you may hear directly from her, if not you will hear from her indirectly through me when I have next an opportunity to see her and converse with her about what we are doing. I note in my mornings mail that you have received the plans for the bases, which I sent you in the form of blue