Dr. A. L. Herrera, Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento, Direccion de Estudios Bilogicos, 7a Balderas num. 94, Mexico, D.F. My dear Doctor Herrera: Replying to your several communications, which have been received by me in due course, I desire to say that under separate cover I am mailing you some papers in reference to the Osteology of the Diplodocus, which may be of interest to you. You indicated to me that you do not have these in your possession. I do not understand why you have not been receiveing them in times past, but have not time just now to look into the matter. Our Museum certainly should stand in relations of exchange with your Museum for its various publications. This matter, however, can be taken up later. The work of making the replica is advancing and we soon shall be ready to pack the specimen. However, I realize that some time must elapse before you are in a position to take action as to its installation. I shall send you in a few days, as soon as I can have them prepared, the plans for the bases concerning which you have written to me.