Illmo. Senor Don A.L. Herrera, Director Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento, Mexico, D.F., Mexico Most honored and Distinguished Sir: I am just in receipt of your communications of September 22d and September 24th, and a copy of the letter which you addressed on May 1st, 1927 to his Excellency Dr. Manuel Tellez, the Ambassador of your country at Washington, toghether with the printed matter which you have been so kind as to forward to me bearing upon the subject which engages our thought at the present time. I am leaving Pittsburgh in order to go to New York on tomorrow morning and it will give me pleasure to submit the entire correspondence to Mr. Carnegie, who will be greatly interested. I also have received a very kind thought in causing this reproduction to be made. This I shall also have the pleasure of submitting to Mrs. Carnegie. I have already replied to Senor Leon acknowledging the receipt of his graceful letter. It is a matter of regret to me that there should have been some misnunderstanding as to the exact nature of the reproduction which Mr. Carnegie has given to the various museums in foreign lands. It is, as I observe from you letter dated September 24th, discovered by you that the reproduction is that of the actual