and even declined to allow one to be presented to the National Museum at Washington, saying that the existence of the original in the great Museum which bears his name at Pittsburgh was enough. Fragements representing the skeleton of this species, and of other nearly related, are found in serveral other American museums, but none of them, Chicago, New York, Washington, or elsewhere, possesses a complete skeleton and not even a replica. I wish very much that I might have been brought into communication with you before this late date as it would have prevented the misconception which has perhaps through our failure to communicate with each other at an earlier date, arisen. I am happy to inform you that the work of making the replica is nearing completing and that I shall shortly proceed to pack the various parts for shipment, and I shall hope to receive from you instructions as to when the specimen ought properly to be forwarded, and will supply, as I have already promised to supply you, with each other at an earlier date, arisen. I am happy to inform you that the work of making the replica is nearing completion and that I shall hope toreceive from you instructions as to when the specimen ought properly to be forwarded, and will supply, as I have already promised to supply you, with full details and mesurements for the construction of the bases. Then when you are ready the gift will be forwarded to you, and I will, as I have already intimate, be prepared to pay the expenses of sending one or more skilled mechanics to erect the specimen