Illmo. Senor Don Dr. I. Ochoterena Director del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Mexico Chapultepec, Mexico, D.F. Mexico My dear Dr. Ochoterena: I have the pleasure to inform you that the bronze placques dedicating the replica of the Diplodocus to the Mexican people have just been completed according to the plans discussed between yourself and myself. This morning I took the Mexican Cansul, Senor Don Alfredo Banos, and the nephew of President Calles, Senor Edwardo Malvido, to see the placques, and they expressed their pleasure at their artistic appearance and I trust you will be equally well pleased with them. The placques are hinged at the top. At the sides below there are two bronze bars, one end of which will be detached in the shipping and which can be easily put back when the placques are erected. The end with the hole will be affixed where it belongs with a screw pm eacj side of the bars. The tablets are carefully packed and I trust they will be soon received by you in good order. I trust you are prospering in your work. I treasure only the most pleasant memories of you and the gracious hospitality which I received from you and other kind friends, to whom I wish to be remembered with esteem and regard.