May 13, 1930 Mr. A. D. Bell, Passenger Traffic Manager, Missouri-Pacific Lines, St. Louis, Mo. My dear Sir: I do not know whether you are the proper person to address, but I take it for granted that you will know to whom to refer the letter which I am now writing to you. On April 1st I left Pittsburgh via St. Louis for the City of Mexico, going as the representative of the Carnegie Museum to present to the National Museum of Mexico a gift. At St. Louis I was courteously received by a representative of your company, who tendered me great civilities. At Laredo, Texas, I was met by a Mr. Mata, representing your lines, and on my return quite recently at Nuevo Laredo I was again met by Mr. Mata and by Mr. Cardenas representing your lines at whose hand I received great courtesy and assistance. I desire by these lines to express my appreication of the courtesies received at the hands of your local representatives and to inform you that I deeply appreciate the kindness and thoughtful care for my comfort displayed by the gentlemen, whose names I have mentioned. I wish to congratulate your Company upon the admirable manner in which you have local representatives and to inform you that I deeply appreciate the kindness and thoughtful care for my comfort displayed by the gentlemen, whose names I have mentioned.