Mr. R. A. Franks, Treasurer, Carnegie Corporation, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. My dear Franke: We are working here at the preparation of the replica of Diplodocus for our Mexican friends. I see by consulting my bankbook that I have already expended the greater part of the balance I have on hand in bank from former enterprises of this sort, and it becomes necessary, therefore, for me to ask you to kindly send me the appropriation that was made one of our recent meetings. Please draw the check to my order as follows: Restoration Fund, W.J. Holland, Treasurer. In filling out the warrrant you may say; to complete replica of Diplodocus intended as a gift to the National Museum of Mexico. I have been rather under the weather for sometime past, but am happy to report I am again on my pins and hard at work although I still feel a little weak and have to take care how I exert myself.