Dr. F.P. Keppel 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. My dear Doctor Keppel: I had made all my plans to leave this evening on the 9:30 train train in order to be present at the meeting tomorrow morning. My tickets were bought and my satchel packed. Unfortunately however, I have been seized with an attack of acute indigestion, which has made me so utterly wretched in body that I do not think I ought to undertake the fatiques of the long ride tonight. In fact I cannot bring myself to think of travelling for the moment and my only desire is to keep quiet and edeavor to recover from the weakness and pain which at the moment affect me. I think I am a sufficiently good anatomist and physiologist to know that there is nothing very seriously the matter with me, but when a man is in my condition he naturally courts relief, which I hardly think would come from a long night journey probably spen sleeplessly. I have read the tentative changes carefully, and as I was particeps criminis in forming them I suppose I ought not to objects to anything therein contained. I hope nobody else will.