Dr. F.P. Keppel, President, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City My dear Doctor Keppel: I am writing to you in reference to the allotment made at our meeting day before yesterday form the fund set aside for objects in which Mr. Carnegie was, and Mrs. Carnegie is, interested. I sketched the resolution. I recall however that when presented by you in typewritten form there was some reference to the Carnegie Museum, that had been inserted, which was not in my draft. I do not think that a reference to the Carnegie Museum should be made in the resolution, for while the work is indeed carried on here in the labortory of the Museum it should be carried on as it invariably has been in the past, as a separate matter not coming in any manner, save indirectly, under the cognisance of those who are in charge of the Museum. The making of the replicas in the past was done at Mr. Carnegie's personal expense under my direction as the Curator of Paleontology. Mr. Carnegie made appropriations for this purpose and I set up an account which is known as "The Restoration Fund." The appropriations made by Mr. Carnegie were placed in bank as a separate account. I then employed certain parites not connected in any way with the Museum, and I took for the time being certain men who were officially connected with the Museum as preparators off of the Museum payroll and employed them in the work. It was understood form the beginning that this was Mr. Carnegie's personal affair, and I was