Next address Medford Minn. Medora N. Dak. Nov. 23, 1905 My dear Dr. Holland: I have now about finished my collecting here. Returned last everning from the Little about 33 miles form here and about 15 miles from Dickinson. I was collecting there a week and got lots of things. Some I think will prove to be very interesting. I took them to Dickinson boxed them and took them to the freight office. The agent refused to ship without prepayment of freight so I had permission to store them in the freight warehouse until I could write to you. There are 5 boxes, 615 pounds. The freight to Chicago will be $6.00. The agent said he could not tell just how much it would be beyond there but said it would be about $7.85. I suppose you can wire the office there and have them shipped and pay at the end. This place is nearly 50 miles from Dickinson. Have a lot of specimens here. There are many of them are larger so I think will be as much in but I expect to get them