Dragon, Utah, Aug. 13, 1908 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- Would you have one or two of those broad-pointed picks sent to me? The ones that were ordered from New Haven. One of ours was stolen and the other is somewhat injured. I think one or perhaps two might be put in a box that would keep points from protruding and could be sent by mail as cheaply as by express. The private express from Mack here is not very reliable. If sent by express direct to Dragon (No. 2 Well, Dragon Road) Utah. We are still having good success. One of the interesting things we have found lately is what is either the skull of Diplacodon or another new Titanothere. The type of Diplacodon Marsh is a maxillary with the teeth. Marsh believed it to be intermediate between Palaeosyops of the Bridger and the Titanotheres of the White River. Hatcher found the anterior portion of a skull with the nasals and horn cores, and he believed it to be directly ancestral to some of the Titanotheres. The Princeton Party of 1886 found good portions of a skeleton. It is likely that we have now the missing parts of the skull. One side is weathered away but the other appears to be in fine condition. I have not access to the type of Diplacodon but the skull I found differs from Titanotherium and Telmatotherium in M2/ instead of M3/ being the largest tooth. We have been anxiously looking for a skull of Diplacodon. It is cooler and more rainy here now. I enclose a letter from Mr. B. Burton which may interest you. We could well spend the rest of the season here I think but we await your bidding. I am hoping that the geological and palaeontological paper which I submitted to you be published before very long. Yours with success and good courage, Earl Douglass, Dragon, Utah