Dragon, Utah, Oct. 10, 1908 My dear Dr. Holland:- Nothing unlooked for occurring I shall ship the collection from here (Well No. 2) next Wednesday Oct. 14. They will come to the cabin for the boxes and thus save handling twice. It will take the specimens 4 or 5 days at least -- two to Dragon and two from Dragon to Mack -- so they will not be there (at Mack) until the 18th -- probably not until the 20th. Perhaps you can send preliminary word to the General Agent stating that a car will be need -- as you will want to ship about the 24th or 25th. But if arrangements are not definitely made when I get to mack and the boxes are all there I will wire you as per your instructions. Mr. Cooley says it will not necessary for me to prepay any freight here. You may think Douglass is a little slow but when you know that our collection is now about one-half larger than when you left, and almost all the additional material is what we wanted, adding to the completeness of the collection it may seem different. I think we had 2 boxes packed when you were here. We will have 32 or more. There are places I would like to search more but I must stop. Most of the things we got without special trips, while getting out others etc. When you send word kindly let me know how much you deposit to straighten up, take me home etc. When the specimens are shipped from here I shall drive to Vernal with team and sell or pasture horses. I will then go to Mack by stage and railroad, either meeting my wife and boy then at Grand Junction or Ogden. I think we will go by my home in Minn. as the fare will be no more. If you do not object I would like to stop a few days, visit my old father and my sister and rest up for a few days. I think I have not used up quite all my vacation, anyway I believe I have some Sundays coming. Will keep you informed of my movements. Yours in haste, Earl Douglass (Address me at Dragon if you write at once.) I have let my man go as he got a good job and I can get along nearly as fast along. Am feeling good most of the time.