Mack, Colorado, Oct. 21st 1908 Dr. Wm. J. Holland, Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I arrived in Mack to-day and found your letter of the 15th awaiting me. We got the specimens safely loaded on car at Dragon yesterday afternoon. They came with us to McAndrews. Nothing unfortunate happening they will get in to-morrow. The agent here tells me there is a Pennsylvania car here on the siding so we will probably get things reloaded to-morrow afternoon. So, after a few days delay things are working out finely. Am glad to close up work so satisfactorily. I think I can start the 22nd for Salt lake City or Ogden where I will meet my wife. I want to tell you how thankful for your kindness and good will as expressed in your last letter both to myself and my dear old father. He'll think Dr. Holland is all right. I shall probably add a sack on box of Jurassic invertebrates and fossil plants here. Got some fossils this evening. With best wishes Earl Douglass