Jensen, Utah, Sept. 5 1909 Mr. Douglas Stewart Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Stewart: I send you my financial report for August. We are getting along nicely now. Have had trouble to get men but have three good men and team now. Have to give good price for men but they're worth it. The three men and team will cost about $200 per mo. My expenses will be about $300. Possibly more. We will have to have lots of alcohol, shellac and plaster paris. I think we can get the latter made near Vernal. I cannot get alcohol less than $1.25 per gal. here. I think you get it by the barrel for 40 or 50c. I believe it would pay to have you send me a barrel of alcohol and 15 or 20 lbs of shellac. If there were any left I have no doubt that I can dispose of it here. Some portions of the bones need treatment and there must no pains be spared to unearth and ship the skeleton without injury. If you ship try to get it through as quickly as possible. We have the wagon road nearly built and part of the snake trail. It will have to be dragged down on a boat about 200 or 300 yds. In about two weeks we probably will know pretty nearly whether we have a whole Brontosaurus. In haste, Earl Douglass.