Jensen, Utah, Oct. 12, 1909 My dear Stewart, I enclose my financial report for September. I did not get the money soon enough to settle bills at beginning of the month so I send report to Oct. 10th. This will give you a far better idea of present financial conditions. We evidently have the most complete of the huge Dinosaurs that ever was found, at least I havent heard of any other so complete as this appears to be. it is evidently just the thing that Dr. Holland is anxious to get at the present time. I am not sure, but believe now that we will get the head. The cervicals ended abruptly but I find they turn back and the anterior cervicals (with the skull, I hope) lie under the others. Every bone so far was evidently buried entire. I shall push the work with the greatest speed consistent with the safety of the specimen. The unexpected upward turn of the neck has saved perhaps $500 to $1000 in work and shortened the time, of course proportionally. We can easily build a shed over the thing and work all winter, if necessary. It is principally a matter now of getting behind in the hard rock, quarrying it off in large blocks, bandaging and boxing. The solid sandstone, though hard to work in places will hold the bones splendidly until shipping. Yours in haste Earl Douglass