Jensen, Utah March 21, 1910 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- We are still having ideal weather. I never remember seeing such a March. Beautiful every day, only each day a little warmer than the last. Of course we cant tell how soon the weather will change. I can't write much at the moment, such days as this are precious and I want to do three or four days work to-day. In the evening I am too beastly tired to write and then I have a chance to send away this letter. I am beginning to want to see you more than ever now. I feel that I want to see you and, as you say, go over the whole matter with you. As we begin work on the bones I realize more what material we will have to have and I am beginning to see what I can do about plaster and lumber. I have had to order more alcohol and shellac for fear we would get out, and that wouldnt do. I think we have some of the cutest little problems a fossil hunter ever got up against. however i think it is a matter of patience, skill resourceful genius and money. We have however many things to favor us. I forgot to mention that I received the box with picks steel etc. which you had sent to us. They were just what we wanted. I will mention some things which we need and you can use your judgement as to whether you will bring them or not. We ought to have some good wood for small pick handles though we can get larger handles and dress them down. It seems that making pick-handles is a lost art in the C.M. but we can get the wood and fit them ourselves. We can get along if you do not bring handles. I sent for Marsh's Dinosaurs of N.A. but the Dinocerata (Monograph) was sent instead. If the dredge want their chain block, and I fear they will, we will have to have one. At least I see no other way of handling such large blocks. I think there are other things but I must stop for this time. I will write more soon. When you come you if you can let me know in time I can meet you at Alhandra (the ferry on Green River) or at Vernal. Or you can go to Vernal and come out with _____ team. Well so long, Earl Douglass Everything moving finely