Jensen, Utah, June 14, 1910 Mr. Douglass Stewart Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Stewart:- It is time for me to make a short report -- It must be short as my time is limited. I have no word of discouragement to bring. Everything is moving nicely and, considering the nature of the work, rapidly. The two large skeletons are fully coming up to our highest hopes -- yes exceeding them. I never saw such splendid dinosaur bones before. No one ever did I think. This is speculation yet but I believe the two large skeletons are practically complete. The spinal column of No. 1 is mostly in sight or has been if the neck, No. 1, belongs to it and it looks that way now. The other skeleton so far as we have gone looks even better in some ways. Perhaps it is Morosaurus. The tail is a beauty. Tell Mrs. C. and Miss O. [S.?] it is more beautiful than any string of pearls, and hear them say "ba!" We have uncovered to the anterior portion of the pelvis and it looks now as if the ribs and bones of the body were almost as perfect as the tail, - at least the ground there is full of ribs, cervical ribs sternal plates etc. But we shall see later. We have been boxing a lot of the bones. The quarry has changed forces since Dr. Holland was here. It appears now that if we strike no more the skeletons will come out very quickly, considering the work. We of course strike hard things and more or less difficult problems, but all so far yield to brain and muscle. No one of us pretend to a great amount of the former but we have a fairly good allowance in the aggretage. Mrs. Douglass is still improving slowly. It is hot and dry here. No good rain this year. It did drizzle one night long long ago but it is now almost beyond memory. I am so sorry that we are to lose the Raymonds. It came as a shock to us. If we get a good man in the museum he gets up and goes. Well I must get to work. Kind wishes to all inquiring friends. As Ever, Earl Douglass over I wrote you about buying a team and writing a check for $400. They are dandys. Worth the money any day. Dr. Holland said $300 would be deposited at the beginning of each month and told him to let him know when there was extra expense. I need a little more this month on account of buying plaster alcohol &c. and on acct of getting a little behind. I want to get everything straight this month. Am going to Vernal tomorrow. Will see how much I owe the Coop and let you know how much extra I will need. Yours in haste, Earl Douglass