Saturday June 4, 1910 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Pittsburg Pa. My dear Holland or Stewart, I suppose you will be on your way to Europe before this reaches Pittsburg. I wouldnt mind having a home on the ocean wave now. it is getting pretty hot and dry. We are getting along nicely with the reptiles. You never saw anything so beautiful as the dinosaur, the ilium of Which we struck when you were here. I wont indulge too much in prophecy but we are liable to have some very interesting things to tell you at short intervals in the future. Sheep Creek is not in the same class with this. One couldn't have prayed for anything better and have been at all reasonable in his requests. I guess we can pretty near furnish "three practically complete dinosaurs" for the price of one. I could tell you lots but hope soon to be in a position to tell you lots more and my time is limited today. It is wonderful and yet what we have expected for years. Mrs. Douglass is much better. Gawin hasnt forgotten Doc. Hol. Yours in haste, Earl Douglass Gawin said a few days ago, "Has Doc. Hol'n gont Jensen?