Jensen, Utah, Aug. 17, 1910 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I have time to write only a few lines to-day but I am sure you will be anxious to know something about how things are going here. I have heard nothing but silence from the museum for a long time. Suppose you have been back from Europe for some time. This is the anniversary of the discovery of the quarry at Dinosaur Peak. Time has more than fulfilled our highest hopes. One or two statements which were guesses got into the newspapers -- perhaps more but weve made all lies good -- in fact we couldnt very well tell stories so big about this quarry that they wouldn't come true. We are settling questions of the Anatomy of the sauropod Dinosaurs all the time and it looks as if there would not be many osteological problems to settle when we are through with this quarry. I am trying to manage things so that we can discontinue operations in Oct. or sooner if you think best. I am extremely anxious to get out the remainders of No. 1 and no. 40. Then we will have the two best big Dinosaur skeletons in the world I think. There is no prospect of our reaching the finish. We will talk about arrangements for the winter later. I think at least one man will have to stay here to watch things. In haste, Earl Douglass