Jensen, Utah, Sept. 6, 1910 My dear Dr. Holland:- I send financial statement for August. As you see the museum is behind but I rather think we have nearly enough lumber, plaster and alcohol for the season. Have somewhat less than 2000 ft lumber, a ton of plaster -- yes about 2600 if I am not mistaken, and 1 bbl alcohol. Two of my later men quit, thinking they could do better. Hope to get one good man making our usual number again. Mr. Ainge and Mr. Neilson are still with me. We have a splendid showing in the quarry now but are beginning to take up bone again. Will send pictures soon. Pelvis of No. 40 seems in almost perfect shape and in place, also dorsal series. Under neck of 25 have rib 7 ft long. I am inclined to think it's pretty large for an average Brontosaurus. We have advanced cut so we can get in by car and see what we have there. The questions are, Have we head and neck of No. 40? Have we head of No. 25? Is No. 25 a larger Brontosaurus than No. 1 and will we we [sic] get the body limbs &c.? Have we the neck of No. 1 if 25 is not the neck? As you say we cant tell anything about it until we get the dirt away. It is possible that we may find nothing farther west than we have gone. Currents may have swept them away. If so it seems we ought to find part of the bones jumbled in the quarry to east. But whats the use in speculating. Mrs. Douglass says she feels somewhat lonesome when she goes to the quarry and sees nothing that she used to see. Its a pleasant lonesome to me. Well so long Earl Douglass