Jensen, Utah, Oct. 4, 1910 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- As Clarence Neilson is going to Jensen this evening I will write a few lines. I know that, if you are detained at the museum you will want to know as nearly as possible how things are running here. I should have my financial report ready but I had to take Mrs. Douglass to Vernal Sunday and could not get back until yesterday afternoon. I am needed at the quarry now as much as I can be there. Mrs. Douglass never got properly well after her attack of tonsilitis and then she had a serious time with one of her toes. Is better all around now. The last I heard my father was better. He said to finish the work I had to do and stop at home when I got through -- that is he did not want me to stop work unless he got worse. I am not tired out. Affairs at the quarry do not daunt me. I have fretted all summer on account of feeling that I did not give satisfaction, though I was doing my best. I tried to banish it but was powerless to do so. I do not intend to let it bother me any more and use up vital energy in so useless a way. We are going to put the things in boxes just as rapidly as we can. Do not expect to do any more extensive excavating this fall. There is as I said no hope of getting the quarry worked out this year. We have not yet solved the long riddle as to the neck of No. 25. We thought No. 1 was turning and running down but find this is the dorsal region of Diplodocus. There are about 7 dorsals in view. We also have, near, a femur, tibia, fibula, calcaneum and some toe bones of Diplodocus. The Tib. Fib. & ul. in place. I had reported that there was no Dip in the quarry but I guess -- well I wont guess. We see now that we have all the dorsals we need of No. 1. If 25 belongs to it we now have skeleton of large Brontosaurus all but radii, Ulnae & toes, and one hind limb and skull. We have as yet uncovered only upper ends of humeri, so there is no fear yet about fore arm bones. As I said before there is no cause for fear about skulls, but we may not get them this year. There is hope yet however. We have a femur of Diplodocus and femur of No. 1 or 25 near and Dip's leg looks to be that of a ____. The leg of the large one is surely a whopper. We have one humerus in socket, but it may be twisted around a little, that is a question. The way it is now the long axis of the articular surface approaches a right angle to the planes of the scapula & coracoid. I believe. But we have not got them fully worked out. I will make drawings and photographs. I hope you can read this. My writing thumb is sore. I'm in a hurry and the flies are enough to drive anyone who has any brain at all, to insanity. We are perfectly powerless to do anything with them. Wh__________ but they do little if any good. They are the most persistent everlasting, damnable lot of insects I ever saw. Will write more later, until you come. Clarence has concluded to go to school this winter. He will leave next Saturday. I hope you will not infer from anything I said that I have any ________ for newspaper notoriety. The papers always get things wrong yet if the thing were attracting any particular attention a fellow likes to see what they are saying, yet I dont care much for this. I am glad to get a chance to do such interesting work. I am sorry indeed if I have misunderstood anyone in anyway. I am anxious to learn how Raymond is. Have someone drop me a card anyway. Yours as ever, Earl Douglass