Jensen, Utah, Oct. 9, 1910 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I send you financial statement for Sept. 1910. We need as much as $100 in addition to the usual $300, and I presume we will need a like amount next month. I told you that we had a supply of Plaster, Alcohol, powder, lumber &c. but in looking the matter over I saw that we would plainly need more plaster so I ordered another ton. I have to pay $50 per ton. I am beginning the round up and am going to make a desperate effort to get out No. 40 but if the neck turns and goes down nearly straight, could not get it all I fear until we run another level on the cut. We of course can do the best we can. We are literally right "up against it all the time. After the mass of rock is removed from in front we have two difficulties, the hardness of the rock and the great number of good bones which surround the skeletons and forbid access until they are removed. We have been making every day count however and things are coming out with comparative rapidity lately. I have had to uncover a quite a space to economize labor and to get at the thing in good shape, but I think we will be able to get the stuff out and boxed by the time the bridge hauling is well under way. If you should not come I will keep you informed so you can make arrangements about return Pennsylvania R.R. cars. I have just written to Capt. M. W. Cooley[?] preliminary to making arrangements for unloading from wagons into Uinta cars. I have just lost one of my men another of the old stand bys. Mr. Neilson has decided that he will go to school this year -- a wise decision and I would not say a word to put him back. He hated to leave and, I guess, almost backed out, but if he stayed a month or six weeks it would put him back in school work. I shall try to get another good man for the rest of the time. If you think of letting contract to run the cut would you have someone look up scale of prices for removing rock of dif. kinds pr. cu. yd.? I don't know, but think Mr. Ainge and Mr. Kay (my new man would take contract. The work increases rather diminishes in interest. For example Tuesday last we uncovered 1Hind foot of Diplodocus. The Femur, Tib., Fib., & Calcaneum has been uncovered before. (2) What I think must be upper end of Radius & ulna of Morosaurus or Brontosaurus. (3) Back part of SKULL of Stegosaurus. We may find Stegos. beak. We got part of lower jaw before __ same place. The portion preserved is good. One or more Stegos. are sown through the quarry so it was no wonder the skull was not intact. We have femora of small sauropod entirely unknown to me besides various other bones. I think the supposed Anamodont is Tibia & Fibula of Stegosaurus. As I said before there are all kinds of not only possibilities yes probabilities in the line of Morrison Dinosaurs in the quarry and I feel it must be guarded. Yours, Earl Douglass