Jensen, Utah, Nov. 20, 1910 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburgh, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland I send you a list of contents of boxes of fossils collected here. I have list of fossils with field numbers (collected in 1909-1910). I have four or five to add after the specimens are numbered, then I will mail to you a copy of the list.We are getting things covered and in shape for the winter. Will soon be to the skull of Diplodocus. When we get that out we will be nearly ready to leave. Hope we can get started by the 23rd or 24th. Mr. Garrison, of Rifle, the man with whom I left the Wasatch fossils has written that he has sent the fossils to the museum. He said he had repacked them in a good strong box and in such shape that I need not fear about their safety. They were sent by express. I hope they will be set aside and not opened until I return as they need my personal care. Yours as ever, Earl Douglass Address me at Alder, Madison Co., Montana