No. 33 - Dinosaur Small. Scattered bones. It is uncertain whether they belong to the same individual or not. Found in excavating for tail fo d-09-10 No. 1 and just behind (below geologically) it. Some of the bones may belong to a skull. No. 34a - Dinosaur - bone. With tail of No. 1. No. 35 - Dinosaur small. portion of jaw with teeth. May belong to the same individual as nos. 24 and 37. No. 36 Dinosaur Bone. Under tail of no. 1. No. 37 - Dinosaur. Small. Series of 8 or 10 above tail of No. 1 About 20 ft East of No. 24 and only perhaps two or three feet from No. 25. No. 38 - Dinosaur Vertebrae, rib under postrior part of neck of 25. About and first of the 14th . No. 39 - Stegosaurus in part. Scattered through the quarry from end to end. Probably belongs to different individuals. There are