No. 43 - Dinosaur. Small East of larger bones of tail of No. 40. Bones of tail No. 44 - Turtle. Aboive lower portion of seapula of No. 25/33 Probably about a foot about. No. 45 - Dinosaur. Small, probably yound Sauropod. Below chandals of No. 40. and extending in the same disection. Much smaller than No. 4. No. 46 - Vertebra of Dinosaur. In quarry Dinosaur Peak. No. 47 - Small Dinosaur. Vertebrae, Rib Scattered. Probably more than are individual quarry. Dinosaur Peak. No. 48. Dinosaur. Small. Behind and above samll portion of tail of No. 1. and above tail of no. 40. Dinosaur Peak. No. 49 - Small Dinosaur. Vertebrae. Below and a little higher geologically than tail of no. 40. Quarry. Dinosaur Peak. No. 50 - Dinosaur By of Brontosaurs