Jensen, Utah, May 26, 1911 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- Your letter of May 13th came a few days ago. I am sorry that, with all your cares and anxieties, I have to trouble you with financial matters here; but I do not see why it is necessary to do so. Our experience has shown us very nearly what it will cost per month to continue the work as we have begun it; and, if I could be assured that that amount were deposited regularly at a stated time each month, I would not need to trouble you further, except at some unforeseen contingency; and the financial part of the business would go on as smoothly and successfully as the mechanical work is now progressing. Like you I wish things to be done on strictly business principles. I am obliged to give -- and I wish to do so -- an account of every dollar expended, so there is no chance for advantage