Jensen, Utah, Oct. 21, 1911 Mr. Douglas Stewart Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Mr. Stewart: I have just drawn two checks one to Mr. W. H. Oakes for $114.75 for 5100 lbs Plaster Paris. One ton was delivered in June and he brought 3100 to day. When I wrote you before I expected one ton and this would make $90. I have also drawn a check to Mr. Wilkes [Bean? Boan?] to pay for a coal car $20.00. We have used it nearly two years or 18 mo. He would not sell it but said we could use it. He recently concluded that he would sell it. He wishes one right away so he would take this if we did not buy. Will you see also that there is enough to cover the $28 which the bank said I had overdrawn. In haste Earl Douglass