Vernal Utah August Sixteenth Nineteen Hundred Twelve Hon. Wm. J. Holland, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Penn. Dear Sir: I am enclosing to you herewith deed to be signed by yourself, Douglas Stewart, Arthur Coggeshall and Louis Coggeshall, quitclaiming your interests in the Carnegie Museum Placer claim to Earl Douglass. This is necessary under the Patent proceedings that we are taking to patent the claim, which is being patented in the name of Mr. Douglass, and when patent therefor is obtained from the Department of the Interior, the said patented claim is to be by him deeded in its entirety to the Carnegie Museum. This deed obviates the necessity of forwarding all of the papers to the various locators, when scattered as they are in this instance, to obtain the deed, and after patent issues for the property the patentee can then transfer the property to these who have interests therein. Asking that this deed, when signed and acknowledged, be forwarded to my office or to Mr. Douglass at Jensen, I am, Very truly yours, Thomas O'Donnell