Watson, Utah, Jan. 3, 1913 Mr. Douglas Stewart Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Stewart, I send you my financial statement for December 1912. This as you will see is only to Jan. 1st. There will be some extra expense, of course, on account of shipping, and I have not paid my only steady Man Mr. Kay for Dec. as I had not blank checks. I will keep expenses down as much as practicable but must do the thing right. I have only two extra men to help transfer but we are getting along nicely. Apparently everything is shipping in fine shape. If we have good luck we hope to get the Dinosaur train on the way to Mack by day after tomorrow (Sunday). We ought to transfer at Mack more quickly than here it seems. We cannot very well at once secure all Pennsylvania cars but there are plenty of eastern cars N.Y. Central &c. and it it thoroughly, distinctly and emphatically understood that there is to be no transferring until the cars arrive in Pittsburg unless a car becomes disabled. They say at the Uinta office that carload lots never are transferred unless in case of accident; but I can see that a western line might want its cars and transfer. But I will insist on this matter continually and if possible bind them to this agreement. If you think there is any danger wire me at once at Mack. If I receive no further instructions I will if practicable give freight the routing you gave me some time ago. Yours Truly, Earl Douglass