Mack, Colorado, Jan. 7, 1913 Mr. Douglas Stewart Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Stewart:- We arrived in Mack last evening and began transferring to-day. We expect to have it all safe in the cars ready for shipment day after to-morrow (the 9th). Everything going like clock work so far. I had a happy surprise last evening when I learned that the stuff will go to Pueblo Class E. (31c per Cwt) instead of 4th class (80c/). You had not told me though of course you know it. This will save us something like $900. As soon as it is all loaded I will send numbers of cars with lists of boxes in each. It is mighty cold here, and somewhat breezy. Apparently even the elements are disturbed on account of the removal of so many of the mighty dead. The cars will all be billed through and there will be no disturbance of the loads unless in case of a car being disabled. I contemplated economy by not bringing my men to Mack, but am glad I was not so foolish as to do so. Yours as ever Earl Douglass, Jensen, Utah