Jensen, Utah, Jan. 17, 1913 My dear Stewart:- Before leaving Mack, Colo., I sent you bills of lading of the first two cars which had been weighed and started on their way to Pittsburg. The bills of the other two cars I received before I left Vernal but as weights were omitted from the bills I returned them to Mr. Pease, the agent, for insertion of the weights. These I must have as well as you, for I have to have correct weights so I can make final settlement with Mr. Rasmussen for hauling freight to Watson. I will send you at this time memoranda of bills of lading. Mr. Pease gives under Charges Advanced the amount of the freight from Watson to Mack (on the Uinta Ry). This would amount to $523.50. This at 50c/ per cwt. would make the weight of the Erie & N.Y.C. & H.R. car load l04700 lbs. As this is only a Memorandum I insert the weights of the cars on the bill just for your convenience. This would make the total weights of the cars as follows: C & G.W. 41 Boxes 36300 lbs. C.H. & D 52 " 50500 " N.Y.C. & H.R. 47 " 49740 Erie 59 " 54960 199 Total 191500 The Uinta Ry. has 198 boxes billed instead of 199 but my record of Uinta Car 400 shows 40 boxes instead of 39, so the number 199 is undoubtedly correct. There were none lost. There is no Box No 200 in this lot. The Charges Advanced on Uinta bill was for hauling Petersons boxes to Watson. I was under the impression that he said he had paid these charges, but the Uinta Co say not. You could ask Peterson and if he paid the charges he, or the office, can show receipt and correction can be made. We are having nice weather now our shipping is done. Will send records &c to Dr. Holland as I get them done. Yours Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah