Jensen, Utah, Feb. 7, 1913 My dear Stewart: I send my financial statement for January 1913. This shows a nice little balance on hand, but this is due to my not being able to pay bills on account of not having check books. When bills are paid it will take balance and probably some more. I will let you know however if it becomes necessary to overdraw. Contrary to expectations the car weights nearly "held out" with the wagon weights so we will still owe Mr. Rasmussen about $80 on hauling freight to Watson. Load weights on scales at Watson 187 585 lbs Car weights taking out 4794 lbs of Peterson's fossils hauled by Uinta Co. 186 706 " One box of Petersons hauled by Rasmussen 245 " Total hauled by Rasmussen 186,951 The total weight as you know was 191,500 lbs.