Jensen, Utah, February 27, 1913 My dear Stewart:- I will send with this my financial statement for February. As you see I have been able to meet the extra expense (balance due Mr. Rasmussen on freight; attorneys fees for patenting claim &c) without asking for more than regular allowance. I have, of course reckoned on the usual allowance for the month of February (a deposit on March 1st. We still owe a bill of something like $80 at the coop and two or three small bills. I have orders from Dr. Holland to put things in order here so as to return to Pittsburg after we get the patent business off our hands which we, I hope, will be able to do about the first of April. Mr. O'Donnells fees include all the work in connection with the patenting of the land unless there should be extra work in defending our claim. There