In Camp Little Bonanza Mine March 19, 1913 My dear Dr. Holland: While studying and measuring the Uinta Deposits we have made a discovery which bidg fair to be of a good deal of interest and importance to the museum as well as to science. We found the upper portion of the skull of a Uinta Titainorthere exposed on the face of a cliff. Other bones were projecting fromt he cliff near the skull, which is about two feet long. I thought it best to stop long enough to get the skull out as it would evidently make a good skull for exhibition at least we had to get a ladder to get to it and we found that there were two other skulls near. The two skulls which were sufficiently exposed so that this could be seen had the mandibles attached a thing unusual for a Unita Titanorthere. We worked under one skull and found two scapulae which had been perfectly preserved but the upper part of one of them had been weathered off.